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Trump calls PM Modi ‘Father of India’, compares him to Elvis Presley

Trump calls PM Modi 'Father of India', compares him to Elvis Presley

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ US President Donald Trump called Prime Minister Narendra Modi ‘Father of India’ and said he ‘brought India together.’

“He’s brought India together, we’ll call him the Father of India”, said US President Donald Trump on Tuesday, showering praise on PM Narendra Modi. Trump said he shares great chemistry with PM Modi and ‘it is as good as it can get’

“He is a great gentleman and a great leader… I remember India before was very torn, a lot of dissension, a lot of fighting, and he brought it together, like a father would bring it together; and maybe he is the Father of India.

“We’ll call him the Father of India, if it’s not so bad, but he brought things together, you don’t hear that (dissensions) anymore. I think he’s done a fantastic job.

The US President did not stop there. He went on to compare PM Modi to Elvis Presley for attracting a large crowd in Houston during ‘Howdy, Modi’ event.

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