TIL Desk Bollywood/ Veteran actor Vinod Khanna (70), who was admitted to HN Reliance Foundation and Research Centre in Girgaum in south Mumbai, passes away. He was suffering from cancer. The actor had been hospitalised since March 31. At the time, pictures of the frail and emaciated actor had gone viral, sparking concerns about his health. Khanna was the sitting MP from Gurdaspur.
Khanna acted in lead roles in many superhit films and is best remembered for his performance in Mere Apne, Mera Gaon Mera Desh, Gaddaar (1973 film), Jail Yatra, Imitihaan, Inkaar, Kuchhe Dhaage, Amar Akbar Anthony, Rajput, Achanak, Qurbani, Kudrat, Dayavan, Kaarnama, Dilwaale.
Khanna’s sons Akshaye and Rahul, from his first marriage (to Geetanjali Khanna) are also actors, while he also has two children, a son Saakshi and daughter Shraddha, from his second marriage (to Kavita Khanna). After making his debut in 1968, Khanna was first seen in small second lead roles or negative roles. In 1982, at the peak of his film career, Khanna decided to quit the film industry briefly to follow his spiritual guru Osho Rajneesh.