TIL Desk Sports/ India’s top sportsmen on Wednesday paid their respects to the soldiers who were martyred in the Galwan Valley during a standoff against the Chinese military on Monday night. Twenty Indian Army personnel, including Colonel Santosh Babu, were killed in the clash with Chinese troops in the Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh, the biggest military confrontation in 45 years between the Asian giants.
Virat Kohli: ‘Salute and deepest respect to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect our country in the Galwan Valley. NO one is more selfless and brave than a soldier. Sincere condolences to the families. I hope they find peace through our prayers at this difficult time’.
Rohit Sharma: ‘Salute to our REAL HEROES who laid their lives protecting and honouring our border. May god give their families utmost strength #GalwanValley’.
Saina Nehwal: ‘I salute the Indian army Flag of IndiaFlexed biceps… I salute the Indian soldiers who were martyred at #GalwanValley… My heart goes out to the families of these brave soldiers; #JaiHind @IndINDIANARMY’.