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Why PM Modi silent on Vally’s situation: Omar Abdullah

Why PM Modi silent on Vally’s situation: Omar Abdullah

TIL Desk/National/Srinagar-Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah has questioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “silence” on the situation in the Valley which he termed as “heart breaking” and “worrying”. “Heart breaking & worrying in equal measure. At what point will the Centre (read Hon PM) wake up to the crisis here?” Omar wrote on twitter late last night.

He was reacting to the death of three persons in security forces action after violent protests yesterday. The opposition National Conference working president had yesterday hit out at the Centre for claiming that the situation in the Valley was improving.

“1 (one) more unfortunate death, countless injuries today & the Centre tells the Hon SC (Supreme Court) that ‘things are improving’. Wow!” Omar wrote. In another tweet, Omar said it was only the ruling coalition partners — PDP and BJP — who agreed with this stand.

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