TIL Desk/National/Kolkata/ Notwithstanding the party’s dismal performance in the Lok Sabha polls, Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee Friday told the party activists to work hard as she is confident of bouncing back in 2021 assembly polls. During a meeting with leaders of Bankura and Jhargram district, Banerjee asked the “traitors” to leave the party instead of harming its prospects.
“Our party supremo told us that she is confident that the TMC will bounce back in 2021 assembly polls. Those leaders who are working for the BJP from within should immediately leave the party,” a senior TMC leader of Bankura said after the meeting.
Banerjee, also West Bengal chief minister, rebuked a section of the leaders for the party’s poor performance in the general elections. The TMC lost all the three Lok Sabha seats to the BJP in the two districts. She asked TMC workers to prepare for the 2021 assembly elections in the state and to bring back the old-timers into the party fold, the senior leader said.