TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Speaking on the Delhi riots on Thursday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said the law enforcement agencies were carrying out investigation in “scientific” manner and the culprits would be brought before the law irrespective of their caste, religion and political affiliations.
“The culprits, they may be of any religion, caste or party, they will not be spared. They will be brought before the law,” he said. As many as 1,922 rioters have been identified by using facial recognition software, he said adding driving licence, voter ID data are being used in the software. More than 40 special teams have been constituted to arrest those identified.
Moreover, 50 serious cases of murder, attacks on religious places, hospitals, and educational institutions have been handed over to 3 SITs, he said. Replying to a short duration debate in Rajya Sabha on the riots, he said over 700 FIRs have been registered and more than 2,600 people arrested based on evidence. The people who have been identified, whose details such as names, addresses and car numbers are with the government, were going to be arrested, Shah said.