TIL Desk/National/Mathura(UP)/ Two persons were killed and five critically injured on Tuesday after they were hit by a train while trying to board another train from the tracks at a station in Uttar Pradesh, railway officials said. They were trying to board the Delhi-Agra Intercity Express from the ‘non-platform side’ and were run over by the Chattisgarh Sampark Kranti Express that was passing through the Kosi Kalan station in Mathura, a Railway Board spokesperson said in Delhi.
“The Delhi-Agra Intercity Express was at platform number one of the Kosi Kalan station in the Agra Railway Division. They tried to board it from off-side (non-platform side),” the spokesperson said. The Chattisgarh Sampark Kranti was passing through the station and they were hit by it, the official in Delhi said.
“One passenger died on the spot and the other succumbed to injuries on way to the hospital,” Divisional Commercial Manager (DCM), Agra Division, Sanchit Tyagi, said. Of the five injured persons, one has been referred to a Delhi hospital for treatment. The others are admitted at hospitals in Mathura, he said.