TIL Desk/National/Srinagar/ Days after Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti’s meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Amit Shah will be meeting the MP’s and MLA’s of Jammu and Kashmir today. In his two-day visit to the state, Shah is also suspected of meeting the leaders of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and discuss the issues prevailing between both the parties.
Shah reached in Jammu around 10:30 am and he will be soon attending a meeting wth all the MP’s and MLA’s of the party.
Reports of tension prevailing between BJP and PDP in Jammu and Kashmir has been in the news for a while and it is been speculated that Shah in his meeting with the PDP leaders will try to normalise the situation between the allies. Tensions grew between the partners recently over BJP Minister Chander Prakash Ganga’s recent statement in which he said that “traitors and stone-pelters should be treated with bullets.”
Ganga’s remarks drew ire of the PDP, which said that there has been a “conspiracy” created to keep the tensions growing in the valley. Apart from meeting the members of the alliance party, the party chief will also discuss and review the current situation of Jammu and Kashmir.