Delhi-NCR, India, State

Army wants Six months to smash terror infrastructure in PoK

Army wants Six months to smash terror infrastructure in PoK

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ India’s armed forces have told the political executive that only a sustained six-month campaign will seriously damage the terror infrastructure in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). Top military officers, speaking off record, that after India went public with its surgical strikes across the Line of Control (LoC) last week, the armed forces brass had told the government that off and on strikes will not damage terrorists’ capabilities, and a medium-term plan is needed.

Armed forces’ senior-most strategists have also told the government that the country should be prepared for repercussions in Kashmir there was a terrorist attack on a Border Security Force-Army camp in Baramulla as well as terrorist attacks elsewhere.

Armed forces’ strategists also said a determined campaign is needed to target launch pads for such attacks. A top army officer said: “We have to look at a sustained campaign. The terror network is on the back foot, but to really achieve something, we have to look at a medium-term plan, a six-month campaign. A one-off event will not deter them.”

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