
Bill banning triple talaq would free Muslim women: Sena

Bill banning triple talaq would free Muslim women: Sena

TIL Desk/National/Mumbai/ The Shiv Sena has said if the government decided to introduce a legislation for a ban on triple talaq it would permanently free Muslim women.

The remark comes at a time when the Centre is mulling bringing in a legislation in the Winter Session of Parliament to put an end to instantaneous triple talaq which is still in practise despite the Supreme Court striking it down.

A ministerial committee has been set up to propose a suitable legislation or amend the existing penal provisions, which would make instantaneous triple talaq an offence.

“It would a good step if the Union government introduces a bill on triple talaq as it would permanently free Muslim women. The tradition should be banned completely and its exercise should considered as a crime,” an editorial in Sena mouthpiece ‘Saamana’ said.

“Earlier, the voice of Shah Bano was suppressed. But through the case of Shayara Bano, it would be the dawn of Muslim women’s freedom,” the party claimed.

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