TIL Desk/National/Mumbai/ Former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav lashed out at the BJP and the RSS for “divisive politics”, and said if the current government is not ousted, it would be harmful for the country. Yadav addressed a rally organised by his party in Mumbai.
“First, this government came to power by fooling the masses with a false promise of depositing Rs 15 lakh in everyone’s account. And after taking over the reins, it has indulged in divisive politics and is raking up communal issues so that people forget the issues of unemployment, starvation, farmer suicides,” he said.
The government, guided by the RSS, is trying to distort the tenets of Constitution, he said. “It is trying to create a divide between Hindus and Muslims, between castes. This is harmful, and we know how to deal with it. We will dethrone these people in 2019 and 2022,” Yadav said, referring to the next Lok Sabha and Uttar Pradesh assembly polls.
“During 5-year term as chief minister, I got built roads where even an Air Force plane can land, and no other state including Maharashtra could do this despite having better financial resources,” Yadav said. “I fail to understand why farmers in a financially sound state like Maharashtra are continuing to commit suicide The same trend is now seen in Uttar Pradesh too,” Yadav said. Narendra Modi government’s demonetisation was a “complete failure”, the former UP chief minister said.