
BJP ‘using’ CAA with eye on Gujarat polls: Mamata Banerjee

BJP 'using' CAA with eye on Gujarat polls: Mamata Banerjee

TIL Desk/National/Kolkata/ West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party was “using” Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC) with an eye on the upcoming Gujarat assembly elections.

The Trinamool Congress supremo asserted that she will never allow the implementation of CAA in West Bengal. Banerjee also accused the saffron camp of trying to fan separatism in West Bengal by raking up statehood demands, and iterated she will never allow the division of the state.

“Whenever any election approaches, the BJP speaks of implementing CAA and NRC. With upcoming Gujarat assembly polls later this year, and Lok Sabha elections just a year-and-half away, it has again started to flare up the CAA issue. “Will the BJP decide who is a citizen and who is not? Matuas are very much citizens of this country,” Banerjee said, while addressing party workers in Krishnanagar.  

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