TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ A police complaint has been filed against West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee by Assam Bharatiya Janata Party for ‘inciting hate and tension’ among communities in the state. The move comes hours after Banerjee warned of a ‘civil war and bloodbath’ over the recently released final draft of National Register for Citizens that leaves out 40 lakh people from the northeastern state.
The complaint was filed by three workers of the BJP’s youth wing in Assam’s Dibrugarh. Mamata Banerjee has accused the BJP of trying to divide the country with the draft National Register of Citizens or NRC in Assam, which leaves 40 lakh people facing the prospect of deportation, the report said.
The draft list of citizens has triggered huge protests in parliament and outside. While the people in Assam are apprehensive of action, opposition parties have accused the government of targeting Muslims, using illegal migrants as a pretext. The draft list will be made available to public on August 7 and those not on it can file claims and objections from August 30 to September 28, the Supreme Court said on Tuesday.