
Bollywood actor Sooraj Pancholi acquitted in Jiah Khan suicide case

Bollywood actor Sooraj Pancholi acquitted in Jiah Khan suicide case

TIL Desk/National/Mumbai/ A Mumbai Special CBI Court on Friday acquitted actor Sooraj Pancholi in the sensational Jiah Khan death case, in which he was charged with abetment to suicide.

The verdict comes nearly 10 years after Khan, 25, was found dead in her apartment in the upscale Mumbai area of Juhu, on the midnight of June 3, 2013.

Days later, Pancholi — son of veteran actor couple Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab — was arrested and charged with abetment to suicide.

An American citizen, Khan was said to be in a relationship with Pancholi, who was then trying to make his mark in Bollywood.

She apparently left a note, which pointed the needle of suspicion towards Pancholi, who was later arrested. Pancholi was booked under section 306 of the Indian Penal Code for allegedly abetting Khan’s suicide, a week after her death.

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