
Cong.-ruled states should have 50% women CM: Rahul Gandhi

TIL Desk/National/Kota/ Congress President Rahul Gandhi has emphasised for more participation of women in the party across all levels and said that he would like half his party's chief ministers in the country to be women in the next five to seven years. Addressing the state level convention of Mahila Congress in Kota, Mr Gandhi said the BJP and the RSS think women should not go out of their houses, while the Congress promotes women. "This is the difference between BJP and Congress. BJP and RSS say that women should not be progressive and should not go out of the houses. You will not find a single woman in RSS meetings. They (BJP) have an organisation of women but that organisation does not take decisions and the decision is taken there by the men," he said. He said that chief minister in the BJP ruled Rajasthan is a woman, but her thoughts are not for women. Talking about his aim, the Congress President said, "I have taken the decision that I will promote the participation of women in the organisation and at the level of zila parishad, pradhan and then at the level of MLA and MP. After that I want that in next 5 to 7 years, half of our chief ministers in the country should be women."

TIL Desk/National/Kota/ Congress President Rahul Gandhi has emphasised for more participation of women in the party across all levels and said that he would like half his party’s chief ministers in the country to be women in the next five to seven years. Addressing the state level convention of Mahila Congress in Kota, Mr Gandhi said the BJP and the RSS think women should not go out of their houses, while the Congress promotes women.

“This is the difference between BJP and Congress. BJP and RSS say that women should not be progressive and should not go out of the houses. You will not find a single woman in RSS meetings. They (BJP) have an organisation of women but that organisation does not take decisions and the decision is taken there by the men,” he said. He said that chief minister in the BJP ruled Rajasthan is a woman, but her thoughts are not for women.

Talking about his aim, the Congress President said, “I have taken the decision that I will promote the participation of women in the organisation and at the level of zila parishad, pradhan and then at the level of MLA and MP. After that I want that in next 5 to 7 years, half of our chief ministers in the country should be women.”

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