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Congress lost political focus before 2014 polls: Pranab in memoir

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ The Congress had lost political focus after his elevation as the President and some party members believed that had he become the prime minister in 2004, the 2014 Lok Sabha poll debacle could have been averted, Pranab Mukherjee wrote in his memoir. Mukherjee completed the book “The Presidential Years” before his death. It will be published by Rupa in January.

The former president died on August 31 at the age of 84, following COVID-19 complications. His observations come at a time of intense internal turmoil in the Congress. The publishers issued a statement announcing the book. “Some members of the Congress have theorised that, had I become the PM in 2004, the party might have averted the 2014 Lok Sabha drubbing.

 Though I don’t subscribe to this view, I do believe that the party’s leadership lost political focus after my elevation as president. While Sonia Gandhi was unable to handle the affairs of the party, Dr (Manmohan) Singh’s prolonged absence from the House put an end to any personal contact with other MPs,” Mukherjee is quoted as saying in his book.

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