TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that the contribution of India’s ‘Nari Shakti’ (women power) in the Swachh Bharat Mission was immense. “The contribution of India’s Nari Shakti (women power) in the Swachh Bharat (clean India) Mission is immense,” Modi said while launching the ‘Swachhata Hi Seva Movement’.
“Youngsters are ambassadors of social change. The way they have furthered the message of cleanliness is commendable. The youth are at the forefront of a positive change in India,” Modi said while interacting with the students of Assam via his NaMo App.
Modi said that till October 2, which is Gandhi Jayanti, “let us rededicate ourselves towards fulfilling Bapu’s dream of a Clean India”. PM Modi also reached the city’s Baba Sahib Ambedkar Higher Secondary School in Paharganj and took up a broom to clean the surroundings.
As part of his ‘shram daan’ or voluntary work, he cleaned the school surroundings with a broom.Wearing a pale pink half-sleeve kurta, Modi was seen picking up pieces of paper and disposable plastic glasses with his hands. He also used a shovel to gather the garbage at one place. After reaching the school, he paid floral tributes at a statue of B R Ambedkar.