TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday countered Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal”s claim over a new COVID care facility being set up in the national capital, saying a decision for a 10,000-bed care centre to be operationalised by June 26 was taken three days ago.
In a series of tweets, Shah also said that a 1,000-bed full-fledged hospital with 250 ICU beds is being developed for COVID-19 patients and the facility, to be manned by armed forces personnel, will be ready in the next 10 days.
“Dear Kejriwal ji, It has already been decided in our meeting 3 days back and MHA has assigned the work of operating the 10,000 bed COVID Care Centre at Radha Swami Beas in Delhi to ITBP. The work is in full swing and a large part of the facility will be operational by 26th Jun,” he said.
Shah”s counter came after Kejriwal wrote to him inviting him to inspect the 10,000-bedded centre and requested him for deployment of doctors and nurses from ITBP and Army at the Centre.