TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal launched a job portal on Monday and appealed to the traders, industrialists and people to join hands to revive Delhi’s economy. The portal — jobs.delhi.gov.in — will serve as a “Rozgar Bazaar” for the recruiters and job aspirants, Kejriwal said, highlighting that many people had lost their jobs and businesses were affected due the novel coronavirus pandemic.
“There are people who want jobs and there are traders, businessmen, professionals, contractors who are not getting the right person for their work,” he said at a virtual press briefing. “This portal will fill this gap by bringing them together on one platform.”
Kejriwal said a special order was being issued to allow the street vendors to resume work. According to the chief minister, many migrant workers who left Delhi during the lockdown have started returning. Labour Minister Gopal Rai had said the services of the job portal would be free and an applicant need not pay any money to anyone for registration.