TIL Desk/National/New Delhi / The Delhi government has announced the onions in the city will be sold at Rs 23.90 per kilogramme through mobile vans and at Ration shops from Saturday.
Making the announcement, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said onion prices are as high as Rs 60-80 per kg in the country. “The Delhi government will provide onions at Rs 23.90 per kg in all 70 Vidhan sabhas through 70 mobile vans and at 400 Ration shops.”
One individual can buy up to five kilogram of onion.”The rate are for next five days,” Kejriwal said adding there will be strict action against black marketing. The government has made arrangements for 1 lakh kg of onions.
“We will decide on the further requisition based on the sale and consumption of onions in these five days. We will continue with this move till the prices of onions are stabilised.”