TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ In a Raksha Bandhan gift for women, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced that rides on DTC and cluster buses will be free for them from October 29. Delivering the last Independence Day speech of his term at Chhatrasal Stadium here, Kejriwal said his government is also working on its decision to provide free rides to women in the Delhi Metro.
“On the day of Raksha Bandhan, I want to give a gift to our sisters that there will be free rides for women on all DTC (Delhi Transport Corporation) and cluster buses from October 29, the occasion of Bhai Dooj, which will ensure their safety,” the chief minister said.
Kejriwal had announced free rides for women in public transport buses and Delhi Metro in June. There are 5,500 buses, including of 3,800 of the Delhi Transport Corporation and over 1,600 cluster (orange) buses operated by the Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System.