TIL Desk/National/Lucknow-In another case of tiff emerging within the ruling Samajwadi Party camp, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has raised apprehensions against party supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav over the allocation of party seats. According to sources, Akhilesh, while reviewing the list of candidates for 403 assembly seats, expressed concern over giving 181 party tickets to what he alleged as ‘tainted’ persons.
Samajwadi Party state chief Shivpal Yadav is officially in charge of ticket distribution in consultation with party president Mulayam Singh. This is not the first time that Akhilesh and his uncle have clashed over tickets distribution.
Two weeks ago, the chief minister expressed his displeasure over the party’s decision to field alleged don-turned politicians Atiq Ahmed and Mukhtar Ansari’s brother Sibaqtullah Ansari for next year’s assembly elections. The Ansari brothers belong to Quami Ekta Dal which recently merged with the party despite opposition from Akhilesh.