TIL Desk/National/Lucknow/ After ED crackdown, BSP chief Mayawati addresses the media in Lucknow. Mayawati says centre misusing power to malign party after Rs 104 crores is reportedly found in bank account belonging to BSP. The Enforcement Directorate on Monday detected cash deposits totaling over Rs 104 crore in an account belonging to the BSP and Rs 1.43 crore in an account belonging to party Mayawati’s brother Anand in a branch of United Bank of India in New Delhi, sources in the Enforcement Directorate said.
* BJP is frustrated and they are now misusing government functionary to malign BSP’s image.
* Mayawati defends her brother, says Anand has also deposited money in the bank account as per the I-T rules,nothing illegal about it. The inquiry against him is also part of a conspiracy.
* BJP is misusing the state machinery to malign the name of BSP party
* We have deposited the money collected as party funds honestly in the bank account, no wrongdoings.
* Why is Prime Minister Narendra Modi not scrutinising his own party, she questioned.
* Why are there no leaks of deposits from BJP, she asked.
* BJP out to malign BSP’s image. They can’t tolerate a Dalit daughter’s good work. Other parties including BJP deposited funds. Have record of every single rupee. PM should disclose how much BJP deposited before November 8. All BSP funds are duly deposited in bank accounts. All deposits according to norms. Money came from worker donations.