TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Terming the passage of the Triple Talaq Bill in the Lok Sabha as ‘historic’, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Amit Shah on Thursday said it was a step towards ensuring the dignity of Muslim women in the country.
The BJP chief even expressed gratitude to all the parliamentarian for supporting the bill, which would bring a new era of hope and respect in the lives of Muslim women of the country.
Earlier in the day, the bill was passed in the Lok Sabha, while all the amendments moved by the Opposition were negated. The passed bill will now be introduced in the Rajya Sabha for passage before it is forwarded to the President for signing it into a law.
The bill, if implemented into a law, will make Triple Talaq a criminal offence. It proposes a three-year jail term for a Muslim man who divorces his wife in any form of spoken, written or by electronic means such as email, SMS, and WhatsApp.