TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ BJP MP Subramanian Swamy on Wednesday dubbed Pakistan”s Prime Minister Imran Khan as his country”s spy agency ISI”s “parrot”, speaking its language.
Participating in a discussion on Kashmir after the nullification of Article 370, Swamy dubbed Khan as “dummy” and said it is his opinion not his party”s view.
The discussion was organised by the Foreign Correspondents Club (FCC). “Now the only issue that remains is that of the Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir, which is India”s territory,” asserted Swamy.
“As far as Pakistan”s Prime Minister Imran Khan is concerned, he is dummy of ISI. He is their parrot and speaks only the language of ISI,” he said.
Criticising the way Article 370 was nullified, CPI”s general secretary D Raja questioned the government”s handling of the Kashmir situation saying, it has now become a “quadrilateral issue” as China and America too are interfering in it. It”s no longer restricted to between India and Pakistan, he said.