TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday mocked Rahul Gandhi for his gesture to make him stand from the seat before hugging in Lok Sabha, saying it shows the Congress president’s arrogance and hurry to get the PM’s chair.
Replying to the motion of no-confidence against his government, Modi said only the 125 crore people of the country can decide who would sit in the prime minister’s chair or who can be unseated. “What is the hurry,” Modi said, while referring to Gandhi’s hand gestures when he came across to PM’s chair and hugged him during the non-confidence motion debate.
Capping the over 12-hour debate marked with sharp attacks and counter-attacks between the ruling alliance and the opposition leaders, Modi asserted that some people are indulging in ‘negative’ politics. “We are not doing politics of appeasement or vote bank. We have been working with ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas’ mantra,” he said.
Dubbing the no-trust vote against his government a result of the Opposition’s ‘arrogance’, Modi urged all parties to dismiss the move and accused the Congress of working with the mindset of ‘Modi hatao’ (remove Modi).