
India wants to work with BRICS nations on 4th Industrial Revolution: PM Modi

India wants to work with BRICS nations on 4th Industrial Revolution: PM Modi

TIL Desk/National/Johannesburg/Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday highlighted the importance of industrial technology, skill development and multilateral cooperation in creating a better world as he attended the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Summit in Johannesburg.

Speaking at the summit, Modi said the new industrial technology and digital interface that the world is building is an opportunity and also a challenge. Modi, who arrived in Johannesburg on Wednesday to attend the BRICS Summit, said technological innovations can help to enhance better service delivery, productivity levels.

New systems and products will open new ways of economic progress, he said. ‘At the session with fellow BRICS leaders, I shared my thoughts on various global issues, the importance of technology, skill development and how effective multilateral cooperation creates a better world,’ Modi tweeted after his address.

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