TIL Desk/National/Lucknow/ Uttar Pradesh police has declared a reward of Rs 2.5 lakh each for the arrest of two suspects who were allegedly involved in the killing of Hindu outfit leader Kamlesh Tewari. During the investigation, it had come to light that the two had come to a hotel on October 17 and identified themselves as Sheikh Ashfaqul Hussain and Muinuddin Pathan.
On the day of murder, both of them moved out of the hotel, wearing saffron kurta, and there was a box of sweets in their hand. Director General of Police O P Singh has announced a reward of Rs 2.50 lakh each for apprehending the two suspects, a senior government official said.
The president of a little known Hindu Samaj Party, Kamlesh Tewari (45), was found murdered at his home in the congested Naka Hindola area of the city here on Friday. Police had also recovered a saffron-coloured kurta with blood stains lying on the bed in their hotel room. The towel also had blood stains. A box of new mobile phone was also found from the spot.