TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday hit out at his Uttar Pradesh counterpart Yogi Adityanath over the incident of ink throwing at Aam Admi Party MLA Somnath Bharti in Rae Bareli. Bharti on Monday had ink hurled at him in Rae Bareli and was arrested later for allegedly making objectionable remarks.
He was arrested for criminal intimidation and promoting enmity between groups, police said, following remarks allegedly referring to Adityanath and the state’s hospitals. Kejriwal hit out at Adityanath over the incident, asking why is he scared to show government schools.
“Yogiji, our MLA Somnath Bharti ji was going to see your government school. Ink was thrown at him? Are your schools so bad? If someone goes to see your school then why do you get so scared? Fix the school. If you do not know how to do, then ask Manish Sisodia,” he tweeted.
“The schools which you are ashamed to show our children study there UP. Yogi ji. You are ruining the future of crores of children of Uttar Pradesh,” the Delhi chief minister said another tweet.