
Kejriwal should focus on Delhi Pollution, not Goa: Goa CM

TIL Desk/National/Panaji/ Instead of interfering in Goa politics and commenting on the Covid-19 scenario in the coastal state, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should focus on tackling pollution levels in Delhi where people are desperate to breathe fresh air, Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant said on Wednesday.

“No state is as polluted as Delhi. They (AAP) should look at that first. People in Delhi are desperate to breathe fresh air. You can go to Delhi and check,” Sawant told a press conference held at his official residence in Panaji, soon after his two-day visit to the national capital.

“I want to tell Kejriwal to worry about Delhi first and not Goa,” he said. The comments by Sawant come on the heels of severe criticism of the BJP-led coalition government’s Covid-19 management in Goa, where 651 persons have died after testing positive for coronavirus. In all 45,389 people have tested positive for Covid-19 in Goa so far.

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