Delhi-NCR, India, State

L-G, CS involved in conspiracy to destabilise Delhi government: AAP

L-G, CS involved in conspiracy to destabilise Delhi government: AAP

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Over a week after Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash alleged an assault by two Aam Aadmi Party MLAs, the ruling party on Tuesday said the top bureaucrat along with the Lt Governor, Delhi Police and the IAS Association is “trying to destabilise” its government.

AAP spokesperson Saurabh Bharadwaj said the Chief Secretary didn’t call up police after the meeting where the alleged assault took place but straightaway went to the L-G’s house to plan a conspiracy. He demanded that call details of Lt Governor Anil Baijal and the Chief Secretary should be examined.

Claiming that a senior Delhi police officer (North) has accepted in court that he attended that meeting at the L-G’s house, the AAP leader said: “No FIR, however, was registered in the night”.

“It was the next day around 1 p.m. that the FIR was registered, which was a tailormade police complaint by the Chief Secretary. We raised questions against it and a medico-legal report was prepared at 9 p.m.”

The Chief Secretary alleged that on February 19 night, he was beaten up by AAP legislators Prakash Jarwal and Amanatullah Khan in the presence of chief minister Arvind Kejriwal at the CM’s residence, where the top bureaucrat had been called for an emergency meeting.

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