TIL Desk/National/Patna/ RJD chief, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar on Monday said Lalu Prasad has become “darling of media” these days. Reacting over dragging of name of JD(U) for inclusion in Union cabinet during Sunday reshuffle, Nitish said the name of his party was unnecessarily dragged in the news reports related to reshuffle in Union cabinet.
“Due to this unnecessary discussion over JD(U) , your (media) darling leader got an opportunity (to ridicule the party), but public of Bihar does not take him seriously,” Nitish told reporters after his ‘Lok Samvad’ programme here.
Though Nitish didn’t take the name of RJD boss, his remark was clearly about Lalu. Reacting over Nitish’s remarks, former RJD minister Abdul Bari Siddiqui said if Lalu Prasad has become ‘darling of media’ it is a matter of happiness for the RJD, but the CM should explain why he has turned out as “villain of media.”
Nitish remarks attracted sharp reaction form the RJD camp. “If Lalu Ji has become “darling of media” Nitish ji should explain to public he is darling of whom- either Narendra Modi Ji, Amit Shah ji or RSS,” Siddiqui said.