Delhi-NCR, India, State

Last time a family member was PM was 30 yrs ago: Rahul Gandhi

Last time a family member was PM was 30 yrs ago: Rahul Gandhi

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Responding to criticism over dynastic politics, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday said it has been over 30 years that a member of his family was prime minister, and asserted he would not stop fighting for his ideological view just because he is the son of an ex-PM.              

In a candid free-wheeling discussion with University of Chicago professor Dipesh Chakrabarty, Gandhi said trolls are “almost a guide” telling him what to stand for. Gandhi said he was proud that his father Rajiv Gandhi and grandmother Indira Gandhi got killed while standing and defending something.  “It helps me understand them and my place and what I should be doing.

There are no regrets,” he said during the live chat session. The Congress leader also said a battle of ideas is going on and as the other idea attacks him, it helps him refine himself. “For me, trolls sharpen my senses about what I have to do. They are almost a guide to me. They tell me exactly where I have to go and what I have to stand for. So it’s a refinement, it’s an evolution,” he said.

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