Delhi-NCR, India, State

Media painting Rajan as “some angel” & Swami as “devil”

Media painting Rajan as “some angel” & Swami as “devil”

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi-Bharatiya Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy on Sunday once again attacked Raghuram Rajan on the monetary policy, over a month after Prime Minister Narendra Modi had disapproved of his criticism of the RBI chief. He also criticised the media of painting Rajan as “some angel” and him as a “devil”.

“In the Raghuram Rajan case, the whole media was motivated by forces outside this country to support him. They said the stock markets will collapse if he goes. The stock markets are not collapsing, it’s gone up in fact.

“He was harming the India economy by raising interest rates and making it impossible for small and medium industries to take loans from the banks,” Swamy alleged.”…So, it was as if I was some devil, and this man was some angel, who has come from abroad to save us,” he said. The Rajya Sabha BJP MP was speaking at a function organised here by Virat Hindustan Sangam, to recall his political life during the Emergency era.

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