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Modi a ‘friend’; Israelis ‘eagerly await his historic’ visit: Israeli PM

Modi a 'friend'; Israelis 'eagerly await his historic' visit: Israeli PM

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has invited Prime Minister Narendra Modi for what the former termed would be a ”historic visit” to his country. PM Modi’s visit would be the first time that an Indian Prime Minister would step on Israeli soil since 1992 when the two countries established full diplomatic relations.  However, PM Modi and Netanyahu did meet on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September 2014.

Calling Narendra Modi a “friend”, Benjamin Netanyahu had tweeted that Indian leader’s historic visit is being eagerly awaited by the people of Israel. Israeli PM’s tweet was in response to a Modi’s greetings to Netanyahu on the occasion of Jewish festival of Passover to commemorate the flight of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery.

It was then, the first meeting of the Prime Ministers of the two countries in over a decade. Though there has been no official announcement regarding PM Narendra Modi’s Israel visit but the groundwork for the same has been going on for months.  Last month, National Security Adviser Ajit Doval was also in Israel to fast-track finalisation of pacts to be signed during the prime ministerial visit.

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