India, Punjab & Haryana, State

Moose Wala’s father says singer was threatened by gangsters over phone

Moose Wala's father says singer was threatened by gangsters over phone

TIL Desk/National/Chandigarh/ Slain singer-turned-actor-politician Sidhu Moosewala’s father Balkaur Singh on Monday registered a complaint with the Punjab Police, saying the singer was threatened by gangsters over the phone. Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi had threatened him many a times and that was why he had kept a bulletproof car, he said.

Accompanying two security personnel, Balkaur Singh said he was travelling in another car when he saw a sedan with four people on board intercepting Moosewala’s Thar vehicle. “When the Thar reached near the outskirts of Jawaharke village, there was a white-coloured Bolero parked there with four youths occupying it. Soon, there was firing, and four youths in each Bullero and Corolla fled the spot.

“I reached the spot and raised an alarm. I took my son and both his friends to Mansa Civil Hospital, but couldn’t save him,” he said. In a missive to Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, the 29-year-old singer’s father demanded the killing of his son should either be investigated by a sitting High Court judge or by the National Investigation Agency (NIA).

Punjab Police have registered an FIR under charges of murder and the Arms Act. Balkaur Singh also took exception to Director General of Police (DGP) V.K. Bhawra’s assertion that the killing of Moosewala, with a huge fan base running into millions, seems to be an inter-gang rivalry.

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