TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has congratulated the people of the national capital for their active participation in the anti-dengue campaign resulting in zero dengue-related deaths.
In the last week of the government’s “10 Hafte 10 Baje 10 Minute campaign”, he said the participation and support of Delhiites against dengue have set an example by defeating the disease for the second year in a row.
According to a statement released by the office of the chief minister, the citizens of Delhi have successfully managed to bring dengue cases to 489 this year from 15,867 in 2015. Compared to 60 dengue-related deaths in 2015, there have been no dengue-related deaths this year.
Responding to the appeal of the Chief Minister, RWAs, children, traders, celebrities, shopkeepers, and the citizens of Delhi came forward to successfully defeat dengue for the second consecutive year, it said.