TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said no manufacturing unit will be allowed in new industrial areas of the city and only service and hi-tech industries will be permitted there. Addressing an online press conference, he said the Centre has okayed the Delhi government’s proposal in this matter and issued a notification to implement it.
Kejriwal said the existing manufacturing units, which cause pollution, will be given the option to shift to service or hi-tech industry. Asserting that Delhi’s economy is mainly based on service industry, he said, hi-tech and service industry will be provided space at cheaper rates in industrial areas.
In service industry category, charted accountants and lawyers can also open their offices, which currently fall under office category in Delhi’s Master Plan. That is why they were only allowed in commerical areas, the chief minister said. Offices of media, software industry and IT service industry can also be set up in new industrial areas, he added.