TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said there should not be “VIP or non-VIP categories” for vaccinating people against COVID-19 as everyone’s life is important and priority should instead be given to “corona warriors”, vulnerable groups such as senior citizens, and those having comorbidities.
The chief minister said that it was likely that the distribution plan of the vaccination will be prepared by the central government, but he would prefer “priority-based” vaccination which is “technical rather than political in nature”. “The whole world is eagerly waiting for a vaccine, the Delhi government is too.
Perhaps, the distribution plan will be made by the central government. If they ask for our suggestion… there should not be VIP or non-VIP categories when it comes to giving vaccination to people. Everyone is equal and everyone”s life is important,” Mr Kejriwal said at The Hindustan Times Leadership Summit (HTLS), 2020.