Delhi-NCR, India, State

Omar-led J&K opposition delegation calls on Modi appeals for dialogue

Omar-led J&K opposition delegation calls on Modi appeals for dialogue

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi-A joint delegation of opposition parties led by former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Monday called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and apprised him of the ground situation with an appeal to adopt a political approach in dealing with the unrest in the Valley.

The situation in the Valley, which continues to remain under curfew for last 45 days, prompted all the opposition parties in the state, cutting across party lines, to join hands and request the Centre for initiating a political dialogue with all stake holders in the state.

Besides Omar, the delegation — comprising a seven-member team of state Congress led by its chief G A Mir, Communist Party of India-Marxist MLA M Y Tarigami, eight-member team of main opposition National Conference including its provincial chiefs Nasir Wani and Davinder Rana — has been camping in the national capital and meeting political leaders from the government and opposition.

The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister, expressing its anguish, grief and sorrow over the painful loss of lives in the Valley and to express “dismay at the lack of a political approach to deal with the situation.”

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