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Pak Army mutilates Indian soldiers: Jaitley to brief PM Modi today

Pak Army mutilates Indian soldiers: Jaitley to brief PM Modi today

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Defence Minister Arun Jaitley is set to brief Prime Minister Narendra Modi today about the recently mutilation of two Indian Army soldiers by the Pakistan Army at Krishna Ghatti sector in Jammu and Kashmir. The Prime Minister will also be conveyed about the current situation prevailing at the Line of Control (LoC).

Pakistan’s brutal Border Action Team (BAT) mutilated the bodies of two Indian soldiers on Monday in Krishna Ghati sector along the Line of Control, where they had beheaded Lance Naik Hemraj in 2013. The Indian Army confirmed the involvement of the BAT in the gruesome act.

“Pak Army carried out unprovoked rocket and mortar firing on two forward posts on the Line of Control in the Krishna Ghati sector. Simultaneously, a BAT action was launched on a patrol operating in between the two posts. In a unsoldierly act by the Pak Army, the bodies of two of our soldiers in the patrol were mutilated.

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