TIL Desk/National/Una (HP)/Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday hit out at the previous Congress-led government for abusing subsidy of Rs 57,000 crore meant for the poor. “People used to loot the treasury in the name of subsidies. In the past, 57,000 crore used to get leaked due to rampant corruption in implementing subsidies,” Modi said in an election rally here ahead of the state’s November 9 assembly polls.
“Now our policy has stopped the leak. The leaders in Congress cannot bear this, so they are attacking me.” Taking potshots at former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s statement that Re 1 ends up as 15 paise when it reaches villages, Modi said: “Rajiv was such a doctor who diagnosed the problem of corruption but did not do anything about it.
“He has made sure that the whole of 100 paise now goes to the pockets of the poor.”Playing the development card by driving through promotion of tourism in the hill state, the Prime Minister said his government was focusing on laying road networks in the state.