Delhi-NCR, India, State

PM Modi lists 5 pillars for celebrating 75 years of Independence

PM Modi lists 5 pillars for celebrating 75 years of Independence

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ The results of the Joint Entrance Examination (Main) were declared on Monday night. In the examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), six students have secured 100 percentile score.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said when India commemorates its 75 years of independence, the country will take “bold steps” to achieve targets that seemed impossible at some point, and emphasised that celebrations should be based on public participation.

Speaking at the first meeting of the 259-member high-level national committee headed by him to commemorate 75 years of India’s independence, Modi also said that the celebrations must reflect the spirit of the country’s freedom movement and showcase its achievements to the world since 1947.The “celebrations can be divided into in five sub-heads — freedom struggle, ideas at 75, achievements at 75, actions at 75 and resolve at 75”, he said at the virtual meeting.

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