TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ President Ram Nath Kovind completed three years in office on Saturday with the Rashtrapati Bhavan noting that he guided the country in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and met nearly 7,000 people, including soldiers and scientists, during the year. “The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, completes three years in office today,” it said in a tweet.
According to a Rashtrapati Bhavan communiqu , President Kovind, along with the First Lady and other members of the family, joined the fellow citizens and expressed their gratitude towards all those who are safeguarding the health of the nation in spite of grave risk to them and their families.
President Kovind also donated one-month salary to PM-CARES fund and has decided to forego 30 per cent of his salary for a year, it said in a series of slides mentioning various initiatives and work done during the third year of his presidency. “The Rashtrapati Bhavan has rationalized its expenditure for optimal use of resources, the president’s office said.