TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Three days after RBI stated that banks lost Rs 41,167 crore to fraud in 2017-18, Rahul Gandhi on Monday said that the “watchman” is looting India by helping his close friends, who default on hefty bank loans and flee the country.
The Congress party president tweeted, “??????? ?? ???,????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? 41,167 ?????, ????? ????? ????????? ???? (He is working as a thief by portraying himself as the watchman of the country. He gave away Rs 41,167 crore of bank money to his close aides.)
The Congress president claimed that with the amount of Rs. 41,167 crore, the central government could have waived off the loan of farmers of three states, opened 40 AIIMS and run MNREGA for at least one year without any hassle.
The RBI on Friday issued a report, saying that fraudsters in the financial year 2017-18, looted Rs 41,167.7 crore from the banking system, which is 72 percent more than the previous year’s Rs 23,933 crore. In the year 2017-18, a little less than 6000 cases of bank fraud were reported as against 5,076 in the previous fiscal.