Delhi-NCR, India, State

Rahul Gandhi vows to be the voice of those being silenced

Rahul Gandhi vows to be the voice of those being silenced

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ In an instagram post, the Congress Lok Sabha MP from Kerala’s Wayanad said, “With your blessings I renew my pledge to fight for our people. To be a voice for those being silenced.

To stand up for those who are forced to kneel. To defend the rights of those who face grave injustice. To hear the cries of those in pain.”

Along with the post, Rahul shared a photograph of a senior citizen taken during his recent Kerala visit.

Rahul Gandhi has been critical of the Centre and has been raising his voice over several issues.

He has criticised the Modi-led government over the fuel price hike, alleged Pegasus snooping row, three farm laws and several others in recent times.

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