TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Taking Congress head on over the Sohrabuddin case, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said the appropriate question for party president Rahul Gandhi to ask would be, who killed the investigation in this case.
The Special Central Bureau of Investigation Judge, Mumbai, who deals with CBI cases had acquitted all accused in Sohrabuddin case, the minister said, adding, “More relevant than the Order of the Acquittal is the observation of the judge that in the investigation, from the very beginning, Investigating Agency did not investigate the case professionally in order to find out the truth but to divert it towards certain political persons.
”Responding to the comment of Gandhi on the day of the judgment that ‘nobody killed Sohrabuddin’, Jaitley said, “It would have been more appropriate if he had asked the right question, namely who killed Sohrabuddin case investigation, he would have got the right answer.”
Jaitley in his Facebook post titled: ‘Who killed the Sohrabuddin Investigation’ said that those who have recently shown a belated concern for institutional independence, “should seriously introspect as to what they did to the CBI when they were in power.”