TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Home Minister Rajnath Singh has asked the police to be sensitive towards the “pain” of people, noting that being tough and forceful could sometime become “counter-productive”.
Addressing the annual ‘Endowment Lecture’, organised by the Intelligence Bureau, the home minister said police must be sensitive towards the problems of common people and develop the capacity to realise their “pain”.
“Police must play a role to reduce people’s pain. Even though police sometimes have to be forceful but being tough or too much forceful sometimes could be counter-productive,” he said at the event attended by senior police and intelligence officers.
Advocating strongly for the introduction of technology in policing, Singh said there was no alternative to adopting technology to deal with criminals, who too have been using modern devices to carry out crime. “We want police to be technologically modern with the capacity to get real-time information,” he said.