TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ The war of words over deletion of around 2.5 lakh names from ration delivery system in the national capital intensified on Thursday with Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal alleging PMO behind the move. On the other hand opposition BJP hit out at Kejriwal saying he should immediately resume the electronic point of sale (e-PoS) system of ration distribution and stop “drama” over the scheme for doorstep delivery of ration. The Delhi government on last Monday had alleged that Food Commissioner Mohanjeet Singh decided to cancel more than 2.9 lakh ration cards without proper inspection.
Rejecting the government’s allegation, Singh had said 2.48 lakh “ineligible” ration card holders have been deleted after following “due process of law”AAP spokesperson Saurabh Bhardwaj cited examples of some genuine ration card holders whose ration cards were cancelled, from his constituency Greater Kailash, saying the move by Food department officers has come to affect such beneficiaries.
Reacting to this, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal alleged that names were deleted at the behest of Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). “The ration cards were cancelled by the PMO exerting pressure on officers, despite consistent resistance by Delhi government. Just see how it is causing inconvenience to poor. PMO should not forcibly get cancelled ration cards of the poor,” he said.