
‘Sabotaged By Our Own,’ Says Digvijaya Singh

'Sabotaged By Our Own,' Says Digvijaya Singh

TIL Desk/National/PANAJI/ Facing criticism for the way he handled the situation in Goa after elections, Congress General Secretary Digvijaya Singh today said that his proposal for a pre-poll alliance with Goa Forward Party was “sabotaged” by his own party leaders. Putting the blame on his colleagues in the Congress, Mr Singh said, that had the alliance with Goa Forward Party gone through, the Congress would have got a majority in the state, and that it was unfair to now make tag him as the “villain”.

“As a strategy I had proposed a secular alliance with regional party headed by Babush Monserratte and Goa Forward headed by Vijai Sardesai,” Mr Singh said in a series of tweets. “Our alliance with Babush went through and we won 3 out of 5 but our alliance with Goa Forward was sabotaged by our own leaders. Sad!” he wrote.

The Congress had supported Atanasio (Babush) Monserratte’s United Goan party in Panaji constituency and given tickets to four of his supporters. “Goa Forward won 3 out of 4 (seats) they contested. Had our alliance with Goa Forward gone through we would have been 22,” he said in another tweet. “Still Digvijaya guilty? I leave it to you to judge,” the senior Congress leader said.

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